Saturday, September 15, 2007


Anonymous said...

holy crap!

Anonymous said...

Yes it’s me! Not some nameless, faceless person who hides behind an “anonymous” post. I don’t usually frequent this site but know that most of you street/canvas artists do which is who I want to address with this message. I wouldn’t normally get involved with schoolyard antics but when it comes down to defending the reputation of my business, I will! It has come to my attention that a certain person or persons from a store at the other end of town has been spreading complete and utter lies about certain aspects of our business. If you have heard them, you will know what I’m talking about. These comments are absolutely preposterous and it angers me to know that some people would stoop to such a level of defamation. This is (yet again) another example of the green-eyed monster rearing it’s ugly head! To our loyal customers, I know you would never believe such ridiculous comments, but to those who don’t know me, we have worked too damn hard to make our business the success it is today and to have such lies being told about us could potentially be harmful to our reputation. Just to let those people know, it has not damaged our reputation in the slightest; paint sales are going strong and as such, we are already onto our second order of Ironlak. To those people who listen to, and believe, such idle nana-gossip, I’m sorry that such single-mindedness has prevented you from experiencing what Visual Intelligence has to offer. We will not be disclosing the names of anyone who has come to us with these concerns, as we will always honour our word. If you would like to address me personally with any questions or comments, feel free, you know where to find me: Visual Intelligence, Tattoo & Art Studio, 134 Princes Street, Dunedin – stockists of Ironlak Paint, $9 per can!

tenze said...
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Anonymous said...

wall looks great well done to all those who threw down the effort.
i think it shows.

hero said...

Geeze....turf wars in Dunners. Yeehyaah!

Anonymous said...

visual intelligence = much win.
evolve or dissolve.

Anonymous said...

thinking about it, that novel of a comment posted on a public internet forum is about as slanderous as it gets
stooping low


tenze said...

feeling this production, big ups

Anonymous said...

Slanderous? to defend the bussiness that machela and aaron have worked thier ass off to get to the success it is today?Besides what is this sight but a whole bunch of slander anyway.

Anonymous said...

from 'down the road' there is no 'schoolyard antics', 'complete and utter lies', 'stoop(ing) to a level if defamation', 'green eyed monster!?!?', 'ridiculous comments', 'idle nana gossip'. You'll no doubt find the chinese whisper machine in overdrive on this one.
aaron and macaela ripping for sure, everyone is

so as i said, chill the fuck out

Anonymous said...

they've never ripped me off.
why would someone who has hundreds of his own cans rip off local writers..

Anonymous said...

thanks for the props Tenze.

tenze said...
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Anonymous said...

Well said Mac.