Monday, March 12, 2007


Anonymous said...

Grosso? Knox? Roskopp? I'm too old to remember....

tenze said...

one of those, skateboarding wins again... wonder if this is by the same dude who made a stencil of me, have yet to see it, has anyone?

Anonymous said...

nope, to both questions. post office building, anyone seen that lately? fuckin amazing, well done

Veteran Vercosis said...

wurrrd, saw it yesterday, NEXT LEVEL!!!mad props

Anonymous said...

Kings led by tired hands. F*#kn amazing. Figured it'd be somethin of that proportion. And the advertising posters have been fucked with in the carpark of chipmunks. Guessing its the same dude. Ha. Definetly takin this shit to a new level.

tenze said...

yeah i seen that the other day, next level!!! i was walking down from city rise today and you can read it clear as day from up there, mad props