Monday, April 30, 2007


Anonymous said...

what does this say?

Sophie said...

Cbnlforwrds Sake? haha, that's my best guess

Anonymous said...

JUST ANOTHER GIRAFFE and some illegible words! Well done, good to see progression.

tenze said...

are you talking or walking?

Anonymous said...

then point us to your progressive street art...

Anonymous said...

hahaha what do you want, a giraffe so lifelike you'll shit your pants? I'm hoping to progress after 14 000 giraffes, that's when I get my next level up.

Anonymous said...

albeit, this colour scheme is whack.

Anonymous said...

Progressive Street Art.. now thats a spandex wearing kinda title!!! I don't want anything from anyone, why would I? I jus talk, walk,gawk n walk, I'm just a shit talking dork...

Anonymous said...

I've given it a bit more thought and decided that painting a giraffe that could make someone shit their pants would be a sweet thing indeed. I'm going to need to step my game up.

Pantocreator said...

Lookout Dude... Rowdy Roddy Piper'l rip ure shit up! Fecal Stimulating Giraffe!!! WOrrrd...