Saturday, December 17, 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡ Make Money !
¡ Enjoy Forever !

Dear Sophie :

" As SFI it works Marketing Group "

OK, do you want to affiliate, but before you do want to know how SFI it works Marketing Group?
What do you have to make to begin to make money?

Your function is basically to index people free to your page.
That is the only thing that you have to make initially...
to refer people to your page in your SFI- Website...

Once people indexed by you enter to your page, some of them will probably buy some of those more than A MILLION products and services.
Some will register free in some of our services on-line, as newsletters. And other they will affiliate as your, in the program of having affiliated free.
At the moment, on the average but of 6000 people they subscribe per day to our program of affiliated!

Now, let us see from where your revenues come...

As affiliated of SFI, you will receive commissions for each person that indexed DIRECTLY by you he/she buys some product or service of your page.
This is so alone one in the ways like you will generate your benefits.
Imagine, the opportunity to represent, through your page, hundred of stores at world level, and of being able to offer millions of products and services practically.

The method up mentioned, it is however the one that usually use most of the companies in Internet to pay to their members, we offer you another method through which will also receive benefits, and it is our program MIQ.

To make you Multi-Income Qualified, you only need to generate 10 SVP (Points for Volume of Sales) during the month. This is gotten easily through different roads, for example, for so alone to complete your Smart Start (Training of quick beginning) you receive 5 SVP automatically. This Volume of Sales of 10 SVP also includes your personal purchases of your store with but of A MILLION OF PRODUCTS & SERVICES, so much stops personal consumption as for resale.

As affiliated Multi-Income Qualified, your potential is increased in a boisterous way! Instead of qualifying to receive benefits in a single way, you qualify to multiply for four and up to 16 different forms your revenues!

When making you MIQ, you can win commissions of each sale generated by each member (now above 7 MILLIONS). Yes, when making you Multi-Income Qualified qualifies to participate of the Bonus Pool.

But that is not everything, be still other benefits! Do you want to know which are? RESIDUAL INCOME and LEVERAGED INCOME.

RESIDUAL INCOME is an entrance that you will continue receiving month after month, year after year, of clients that you get a single time. It is as the writers or singers when they write or they throw a production, they continue receiving benefits of their works indefinitely while their work continues in the market.

LEVERAGED INCOME is to make money of the effort that other members make. Your revenues are usually limited by the effort that personally can make during the day of 24 hours. However, the ideal business is even that that allows you to make money, while you sleep, you see television or you practice your favorite sport.SFI, also offers this opportunity to make money for the members indexed by other members, besides those indexed directly by you.
As you will be able to yourself to be imagining, this chain is infinite, and the possibilities of revenues for you, also. With so alone to index new members, you can have below you, hundred, thousands and until millions of members that will generate you money at world level, the 24 hours of the day, the 365 days of the year, local or internationally.

As Multi-Income Qualified, not alone you can participate of "he/she works now and he/she receives checks forever" you can also receive a portion of the benefits generated by THOUSANDS OF OTHER MEMBERS around the world.

As you can see, this it is one of the reasons for the one that so many millions of people understand that this it is a great opportunity of business. And for that reason they don't doubt to make all the place arrangements to qualify immediately and to be
Multi-Income Qualified after affiliating gratuitously.
Be not hurry, tomato your time, you can make yourself MIQ when you want, meanwhile he/she begins to affiliate people and to make money, but he/she remembers when making you MIQ you multiply for four the possibility to make money in dollars!

The Basic Foundations of SFI:

SFI is as an a modern and powerful career car, where what is needed is so single gasoline. Alone SFI needs that you put gasoline to the car, that is to say, you index, we take charge of the rest. That is everything, when being in charge of of attracting new people to your page, you will be creating the conditions so that in some moment those person buys some product or service that you/he/she will generate you a commission, month after month, year after year.

In fact, we already have hundred of people's thousands, men and women, youths and bigger, from all over the world that live of the effort that you/they made initially through SFI Marketing Group.
I can make sure that depending on your effort, the same thing could pass with you.

In about 2-3 years you could have an entrance, product of your commissions on sales generated at world level that you/they could guarantee your future in a significant way. You don't see it difficult, because the things that are really worthwhile, require an effort.
Alone you concentrate initially on attracting new members to your organization, the benefits will come automatically as product of your dedication and effort, as everything in the life.

As you can attract people to your pages?
You can be able to attract new members to your page in the two following ways:

1. using your own promotion efforts, through (banner ads, classified ads, offline ads, etc. provided by SFI). If you are an experienced mercadólogo, you know the easy thing that it is to attract public to an offer like this. He/she remembers, most of the promotions consist on offering services FREE, 24 hours a day, of the pleasure and preference of most of people. As for example, the subscription FREE to the magazine SFI Magazine.

2. if you don't have the time, the experience, or the desire of creating your own net of affiliated, you can participate of our advertising campaigns with other members, call: "Eagle Co-op. ", through which you will be able to generate your members. The members that generate these campaigns, are distributed or assigned in an equal way among the participant members for our potent system of computers that will also warn you every time that you acquire a new member.
Also bills with a series of marketing tools and publicity that will allow you to develop each one of your products and services successfully.

Unite to us. -
I am for sure from today their life changed. -

James Latz
SFI Sponsor